Nose Bleeding (नाक से खून आना)
क्या आप नाक से खून आने से परेशान हैं?

सभी जटिल समस्याओं के समाधान हेतु एक प्रमुख संस्थान
Allergic Rhinitis, सर्दी एवं जुकाम का होम्योपैथिक इलाज मात्र 1299* रुपए में
- क्लीनिक एवं ऑनलाइन परामर्श की सुविधा
- *1299 रुपए में 30 दिन की दवा
- नाक पर चोट का इलाज
- नाक का संक्रमण का इलाज
- हार्मोनल बदलाव का इलाज
- शुष्क वातावरण का इलाज
- दवाओं की फ्री होम डिलीवरी (पूरे भारत में )
What is a Nosebleed ?
A nosebleed, or epistaxis, occurs when blood vessels in the nasal lining break, leading to bleeding from one or both nostrils. While often harmless, frequent or severe nosebleeds can signal underlying issues.
Types Of Nose Bleeds:
- Anterior Nosebleeds: Occur at the front of the nose, where blood vessels are close to the surface.
Common in children and are usually mild. - Posterior Nosebleeds: Originate deeper in the nasal cavity and may cause heavier bleeding.
More common in adults and require medical attention.
Common Causes of Nosebleeds:
- Dry air: Nasal membranes can crack in low-humidity environments.
- Nasal trauma: Picking the nose or blowing it forcefully.
- Infections: Sinusitis or respiratory infections can irritate nasal tissues.
- Allergies: Inflammation from allergies may weaken blood vessels.
- Medications: Blood thinners, antihistamines, or decongestants.
- Underlying health conditions: High blood pressure or clotting disorders.
First Aid for Nosebleeds:
- Stay calm and sit upright.
- Lean forward to prevent blood from flowing down the throat.
- Pinch the soft part of the nose and hold for 10-15 minutes.
- Apply a cold compress to the bridge of the nose.
- Avoid lying down or tilting your head back.
When to Seek Medical Attention:
- Bleeding lasts longer than 20 minutes.
- Nosebleed follows an injury or head trauma.
- Bleeding is frequent and unexplained.
- Signs of significant blood loss or dizziness.